Why are the forging products rare today?

Who is to blame for the extinction of the profession of a blacksmith? What is the difference between products made of staining from cast? What is one of the main reasons for the extinction of art forging art?

Events occur in our life and trends are developing that we may not at all like at all. However, we are not able to influence their existence or development. We can either take them into our lives or ignore them. Here everyone has their own choice.

This applies to all almost areas of human activity, but this is especially vivid in the rivalry of technology. It is no secret that every year more and more new methods of processing materials, assembly of structures, and development of systems appear. And, as a result, many inventions of a person who are already dozens, or even hundreds of years are, as they say, thrown out onto the side of the road. And even in general — in a ditch.

Alas, including forged and forged. No, this is not about factory forging. Everything is not so tragic here — a number of industrial operations still belongs to this process. But if we talk about artistic forging, the situation is completely different. Exaggeration? When the last time you saw, for example, a gate with a forged ornament? That’s it. What a gate… Imagine that some person wanted to buy forging! In the sense of a forged metal product. Anything — from horseshoe to, say, metal flower. Moreover, a person is ready to pay any money for this product! What do you think, will he find a master who can realize such a desire to life?

At least, time and effort will have to spend. There are not many masters of this business today, as they say, are in service. There are many reasons for this, but one of the main ones — the profession of a blacksmith today does not seem prestigious to young people, adolescents. And given the fact that the peaks of skill you will reach oh how soon, is it worth it to be surprised? Almost everyone wants success now, immediately!

And it’s a pity … You have no idea how unusual the rose looks that the blacksmith! And larger products? Such as gates, fences, gates and so on? And in general, all things that were not only cast in the form, but in which a person put his skill through many strokes have some special energy. So maybe not everything is lost yet, and we will still live at a time when the blacksmith again becomes a respected person?