Why is the stretch ceiling profitable

Stretch ceilings firmly enter into everyday life, displacing old, traditional methods on the finishing materials market: whitewashing, painting, plasterboard and suspended structures. Popularity is growing every day and is explained by factors such as convenience, aesthetics, strength and reliability.

In the manufacture of suspended ceilings, modern materials are used: polyvinyl chloride film and special synthetic fabric saturated with polyurethane. Both types are resistant to mechanical damage, durable, able to withstand significant loads during operation.

The installation of a stretch ceiling is simple and possible in any room in area and in height. Fabric manufacturers of both types of materials can offer a wide variety of color colors and textures. PVC film is presented more than 200 shades (only glossy textures have 150 varieties). Fabric canvases do not have such a variety: they are mainly produced in light pastel colors, but the material can be multiplied many times even after installation.

The benefits of mounting stretch ceilings

The absence of any preliminary work on the preparation of the old ceiling surface. No need to align anything, putty, paint, tear off old wallpapers, make cracks and joints between plates. The stretch fabric will close all imperfections and hide various communications: water and gas pipes, electrical wiring, fire and security alarms, protruding elements of concrete structures, reinforcement, etc.

The room does not need to be released from furniture, remove flooring. The speed of installation, the lack of construction garbage during installation and the need to clean the premises after it — these are the criteria when you do not need to move out of the premises to relatives or acquaintances for the duration of the construction work.

The installation of a stretch ceiling itself in duration takes two to three hours in standard rectangular rooms with an area of ​​up to 20 squares. This time can increase due to some nuances, for example, indirect angles, the presence of installed cornices or a wardrobe, but slightly. A team of 2-3 masters will cope with work in the entire 3-room apartment, including a bathroom, a bathroom, a corridor and a kitchen, in a couple of days (good specialists can be called on the site).

The stretch ceiling is installed once and for several decades and all this time does not require special care, periodic and capital repairs. Economic benefit compared to old surface decoration methods are obvious. Vinyl canvases and you can repeatedly dismantle and install. This is very convenient in the case of replacing the texture or color of the film, as well as with flooding from above.

The departure is simple and does not cause any problems. Wipe the surface of the canvas with a damp cloth — and this will be enough. In case of random serious pollution, a soap solution or winding liquid is recommended. Haughty stains and kitchen deposits can be removed using a special gel for stretch paintings.

The stretch ceiling, in addition to its practical properties and benefits, has another undeniable advantage — allows you to solve design issues for the interior of the room. Given the features of each room, you can create unique structures, perform several levels, form volume forms in the form of niches, arches, arches. Various textures of the films and their combination with certain colors allow you to visually make the room higher, wider or the reverse task. The use of two or more colors in one canvas, a competent arrangement of lighting sources, various additional lights allow you to create in almost any room their unique atmosphere and the right mood. We add to this the possibility of applying various beautiful images, and it will become clear that the design potential is limitless here, which can not be said about old decoration systems.

Despite the fact that coatings from vinyl paintings or synthetic fabric are quite thin, they are very strong and reliable. The polyvinyl chloride itself is a very elastic polymer, but at the same time it is not torn and is able to withstand significant loads. An adult can calmly walk on the surface of an already stretched canvas, it will only bend under his heaviness, and then take his even form. The main thing is to avoid contact with sharp objects, from the action of which a cut or hole can form. The fabric is thicker and strong, it is difficult to damage it.

Both materials are fireproof, environmentally harmful, do not distinguish harmful substances. For each of them there should always be the necessary certificates of conformity with the necessary Russian and European standards of quality and fire safety (examples can be seen here).