The layout of the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where any housewife spends the most time. We evaluate the result of this pastime already sitting at the table, without even thinking that the skill of the hostess largely depends on where the primary workplaces are located — washing, refrigerator, plate.

The option of decorating the kitchen

It turns out that the “wiser” the furniture will be, the easier it is to work as the hostess. The correct layout of the furniture allows you to save up to 60 % of the way and up to 30 % of the time spent in the kitchen. With a competent arrangement of the main components of the kitchen — washing, refrigerator and slabs — the path from one object to another will be minimal, which allows you to do without unnecessary movements and spend much less time and energy to achieve the result. There are several classic ergonomic cuisine models.

With a single -row kitchen arrangement, all functional components are placed in one line. This layout option is successful with small room size. It is appropriate to place the sink in the middle with such a decision, and on both sides of it — a refrigerator and plate.

With two -row placement of furniture — in two parallel lines — the plate and the sink will be correctly placed on one side, dividing them with the working area, and the refrigerator — into the other. A similar layout can be used if the kitchen is passing.

A successful solution for a small square kitchen will be an angular arrangement of furniture along two walls in the form of the letter «g».

It is very convenient if the dimensions allow, the location of the kitchen in the form of the letter «P», in which the furniture is placed along the three walls of the kitchen. It is most optimal in this case to put the sink in the center, and the refrigerator and the stove are on two opposite sides.

If the kitchen is large enough, then the island or peninsula can be taken to the center of the room. At the same time, functional units can be built on the principle of M — shaped, or P -shaped cuisine. Peninsula and island kitchens are usually designed to separate the working area from the recreation area. At the same time, fashion and comfort, and not saving space become primary principles.

Which of the options for planning the kitchen you choose, depends on the size of the room and on your taste. But in any case, modern kitchen should be elegant, hospitable and functional.