Penoplex Technical characteristics

The material, which will be discussed in detail in the current note, has a lot of a wide variety of names, which are often not too well -known to the average layman. It is called foamed polystyrene, and sometimes extrusion polystyrene. But for greater simplicity, the less long and abstruse name for the foam is used more often than others.

The use of a foam

Functions, this type of material can actually perform several. But the main one, without a doubt, is insulation. Penoplex can be safely purchased in almost any store, whose direct specialization is to sell construction goods to consumers.

In terms of its technical characteristics and properties, the penumplex has a huge number of common features with foam. But the foam is a slightly better and, accordingly, expensive type of material.

And the production differences between foam and foam are quite significant in nature. The manufacture of a foam is carried out with the active use of extrusion plants. In the production of foam, such installations are practically not used. And, therefore, the level of strength of the strength is significantly reduced. It is worth adding that, in addition to the mentioned strength characteristics that the foam is extremely high, this material also has amazing abilities to effectively resist the negative effects of wet particles. Or, speaking of a professional construction language, is endowed with excellent hydrophobic indicators. This fact can be safely added to a kind of rating of undoubted advantages of this variety of material. Well, and of course, the foam is remarkably saving the warm air in the room. And cold air, in turn, thanks to the corresponding structure of the foam, as well as its special cells, is completely devoid of any opportunity for successful penetration into the room. Accordingly, the use of such thermal insulation material is very justified during the period of the most elevated winter temperatures.

By the way, speaking of the many advantages of the material described in this note, it will not be superfluous to tell the reader about what circumstance turns it literally into a model of strength. The fact is that the entire structure of the foam to the limit is uniform. And this means that any load (no matter how impressive it is) is not able to become the immediate cause of the appearance of any deformation on the plate or damage to a mechanical nature. After all, the weight of the material is very harmonious and qualitatively distributed. However, an increased level of strength, which is characteristic of any type of foam, does not have its negative effect on the ease with which it can be cut into several equal in size of pieces. Unless, of course, there is any need for this. Moreover, you can carry out such a simple manipulation by resorting to the services of the most ordinary construction knife.

Numerous studies, on a regular basis, conducted by relevant specialists in this field, with one hundred percent confidence have proven that the material called the foam is absolutely pure and safe for human health in terms of ecology. Foam is not able to defeat such negative and dangerous elements for the preservation of many other building materials, such as mold and fungus. The foam is also not at all afraid of various rodents, because they themselves, to put it mildly, do not burn with special love and, therefore, bypassed. The only elements capable of causing a foam to a certain semblance of harm — this is, except that organic solvents. As a result of unintentional contact with it, the foam can become soft and loose. In order to avoid this, everything is necessary to do everything so that during operation and installation, the material with such varieties of liquid substances does not at all contact. And the foam is also very durable. Subject to a neat and careful attitude, this universal insulation may be in a state of complete serviceability, at least for a long fifty years. Absolutely without losing, at the same time, the own initial characteristics.