Penobloki: for and against

Foam blocks are today popular and often used building material. They are used not only as building components, but also as a heater of roofs, inter -story partitions. The production of foam blocks here pleasantly surprises both the price level and quality. Experts will help you choose the necessary materials and consult on the issues that have arisen.

However, it should be noted that any thing has its pros and cons, something absolutely perfect hardly exists. So foam blocks, definitely, are not impeccable building material. The advantages of cellular concrete from which they are made include, of course, ease of installation, affordable price, simple processing, heat -insulating qualities, fire resistance. Much depends on the properties of foaming agents that are divided into organic and synthetic. Synthetics provides a less solid structure of the finished block. There is more pores in this material, and the partitions between them are thinner, which seems to be quite dangerous, the cost of such blocks is below, which is lower, compared with the material based on organics. They are safer and stronger, their structure is more homogeneous, but they are more expensive.

The disadvantages of foam blocks include the insufficient strength of the material, its rapid destruction under the shock load and heaviness. Moisture resistance is lower than that of ordinary concrete. In addition, the requirements for laying are very high, namely: the wall from the blocks is much easier to lay out than, for example, from bricks, but you need to carefully ensure that the cracks between the blocks are as small as possible, otherwise they cannot be blocked, and glue, and glue, and glue, fastened blocks, does not have thermal insulating properties. Foam blocks are also laid on the solution, but only during the construction of objects, such as an extensions, it is not suitable for the house, it is needed special glue, otherwise the necessary temperature regime will not be provided.

For two or more floor houses, foam blocks are not the best solution, since ensuring the bearing capacity of walls from this material is quite difficult to ensure, this problem applies equally to the selection of overlapping of suitable weight. In addition, it is nice to finish foam blocks from the outside to provide greater thermal insulation and moisture resistance.

And the most important thing is not to think about excessive savings when choosing a foam block, since very cheap material can mean low quality, and as a result — the appearance of marriage and a decrease in the service life. Buy foam blocks should be from trusted and proven companies.