Balcony finishing PVC panels

To date, there are many areas for decoration of the balcony. They allow you to realize many creative and construction plans. So, for example, quite often the balcony is finished with PVC slabs.

For this activity, special PVC plates are used, designed specifically for balconies. They have similarities with another very famous material — lining. And differ from it with a width parameter. She has it 10 cm. PVC plate varies in width from 25 to 33 cm.

Such plates have an interesting rich in different texture. And thanks to this, you can choose finishing material for a variety of balcony interior. In the work on the skin, an insignificant seam is obtained at butt areas. This property guarantees the visible surface of the surface. In addition, it is very simple to mount these plates. More this material is excellently isolated heat and sound. It is easy to care for him. Thanks to such advantages, PVC panels have reached great fame.

Types of PVC plates

Laminated. A special film is applied to the tile for the development of strength and elasticity of the material. Thanks to lamination operations, the texture of the product is seriously enriched. Thus, the material becomes more popular designers.

Tiles with flexers. A certain image is applied to them, and then a thorough varnish coating. So the qualities of the material increase significantly: resistance to wear, resistance to ultraviolet influence.

Panels with thermal translation. From a special thermal film, the image to the surface is transferred under certain temperature conditions: at very high temperature rates. This technology guarantees the picture optimal brightness. For example, with the help of only designated technology, golden and silver tones are formed.

Of course, every adequate owner wants his balcony to become beautiful and elegant. And these are quite realized tasks when using PVC material.

DIY PVC balcony trimming

Previously, it is required to thoroughly prepare the room. The balcony itself must be glazed, have excellent water protection, solid insulation and sealing.


So insulation should be organized on the floor of the balcony. For such a task, it will require installation of a river frame. First it is formed around the perimeter, and then along. Interval between rails — 40 cm. They are attached directly to the concrete floor. To do this, they are done through with dowels with parameters of 6×55. Then the voids between the slats are disconnected and the polystyrene plate foams are placed. Insulation with foil is carried out on top. And a number of rails are placed on isolation in the perpendicular direction in relation to the lower row.

If all these criteria are observed, you can safely start the long -awaited decoration. Such work with PVC plates does not have stages with plastering, any alignment, elimination of wallpaper and. T. D. All this is simply not required. Moreover, today it is widely propagated along with the classical skin and the technique using special mounting plastic profiles.


Whatever the method of installation is planned, the formation of a crate is the initial stage of facing. In this situation, empty space forms between the plates and the wall. It is filled with materials for maintaining heat.

In those areas where potential leaks are indicated, it is better to put a crate from an aluminum profile.

Usually the crate consists of wooden bars. Their fastening occurs both to the walls and the ceiling. The connecting elements here are screws, or bolts. The recommended distance between them is 50 cm.

Когда поставлена ​​задача оформить помещение под угловой позицией к полу, то сосредотачивать бруски следует как можно плотнее. This will radically simplify the process of fastening the shortest tiles in the corners.

When you attach bars to the surfaces, remember that their mandatory location in relation to the vectors of the panels should be at a right angle. It is this arrangement that will ensure the success of the work. Therefore, the level should be periodically applied to check the desired location.

Installation of PVC plates

As a rule, PVC slabs begin to install from the left corner and move to the right. The version with the movement to the opening for a window or door is common. A corner is put in the first corner. With the help of nails it is fixed. Self -tapping screws are also suitable for fixation, and metal brackets can be used.

PVC tile itself goes to the very bottom of this corner. In this case, a special fixture regiment is used. She already joins the doctrine bars with nails or brackets.

The subsequent PVC element must fit as tightly as possible to the already delivered.

Such actions are constantly going on to the full finish of the zone to the desired angle or opening.

At the butt areas and in the corners you need to act extremely carefully. You can apply both external and internal special corners here.

The final tile is clinging to the groove of the final corner.

It was a description of traditional installation. As previously noticed, you can still act with the mounting profile.

And the initial installation rail is mandatory with the base. And her «sisters» are placed in a parallel location with a distance of 40 cm. Such rails can be reduced to the required length.

Installation work starts from the corner profile. He only snaps up with a banal pressing on the brackets. Tiles are arranged in it. Her tongue clings to the rake bracket.

The subsequent element is inserted into the previous one and also snap.

To achieve high accuracy in work, the corners are sealed with P-shaped profiles

Of course, each owner of the balcony himself decides which materials to be launched to form an excellent internal and external form of the balcony. One way or another, in this process should not be in a hurry, and work is carried out meticulously and carefully.