Balcony casing with siding — do everything with your own hands

Many owners of apartments do not even ask a question — you need a lining of the balcony with siding or not? And all because this material is one of the best for conducting cladding in a living room. It not only allows you to protect the object from precipitation and even mechanical damage, but also retains excellent appearance for a long time. It looks, to be honest, much better than when pasting walls with wallpaper.

Why should you choose siding panels?

The video shows the technology of installation of siding

The balcony is also an apartment, which means that it should also look beautiful and comfortable. If in your apartment it is large, then there you can easily make a great place to relax. So, many designers propose to arrange this room in such a way that it becomes an additional room, and not a warehouse for another trash. And today you can easily choose facing material, which differs both in color and pattern if necessary.

I am glad that you can sheathe the balcony with your own hands quite quickly, even if you do not have the required knowledge and skills. Usually it is fixed on a pre -installed frame. The panels will easily protect from the loss of heat, loud sounds, precisely because they are often used for interior decoration work. True, sound — and thermal insulation depends on how you fill the space between the wall and panels, as well as on the material itself. Experts advise when finishing with siding to choose vinyl panels, because with their help you can easily arrange your balcony without resorting to the help of specialists.

The main difference between this material is not burning, light and safe. In addition, you will not need to carry out some additional work on the processing and preparation of the working surface for the lining. True, the only thing you may need is the creation of a crate, but it depends on what type of siding you choose. Also, its pluses include a rich color scheme, so you can easily recreate the desired design on your balcony. You can carry out all the work on the balcony both in summer and in winter. After the lining of the balcony with siding with your own hands ends, the walls will become smooth and smooth, they will acquire an attractive appearance.

How to sheathe a balcony siding?

The video shows siding tips

The sheathing does not require any highly specialized knowledge. To begin with, you will need metal or wooden bars — they will be a frame, the main one, which will subsequently attach the material itself. The need for such a procedure is also determined by the state of the walls. So, for example, on an equal surface, you can fix the panels immediately on them, but if there are cracks or potholes, the walls are best equalized.

In order to make a cladding, you just need to recall some repair rules. For example, on the already prepared walls it will be necessary to install whole sheets using self -tapping screws. It is best to use aluminum fixers, but for cutting, use saw tools with small cloves or a grinder so as not to damage siding.

Do not forget about safety measures — it is worth observing it strictly. If you are going to carry out external decoration work, you need someone who will insure you from a possible fall. There is another option — you can use the security belt, but it slightly constrains movements

Answers to questions about the lining with panels

After you have prepared and all the tools you need for work and the walls themselves for subsequent finish, you need to start directly to the installation work. Sheets for the surface should be cut out that their length is enough for the length of the frame. A small space needs to be left between the walls and the frame — a heater is laid in it and, if necessary, moisture -proof film.

You are also going to carry out casing inside the balcony? It will be even easier, since it is less dangerous, and less preparatory work is required. For example, you will not need to install supporting structures, and this will allow you to save time in finishing work.

In general, siding is remarkable from wind and precipitation. If you carry out double insulation, then easily get rid of a problem such as a “cold balcony”, where now it will be possible to taste an additional room for relaxation. The main thing is to act according to the above designated rules and spend a little your personal time to conduct a skin.