The check valve for sewage will forget about emergency situations

The check valve for sewage is a kind of panacea and a guarantee that the penetration of wastewater will not be able to ruin your life. Believe me, it is better to install the system once and forever forget about a possible problem than then at the most inopportune moment to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the accident.

How and why there are clogs in the sewer system

Video on the check valve for sewage

For those who have never encountered sewer’s blockage, stories about these cases may seem like a terrible fairy tale at night. And this is true. It’s good if someone was at this moment at home and managed to take the necessary measures. Otherwise, having returned from work, you may be, as they say, «knee -deep in something». And even after the liquidation of the accident, its consequences for a long time will remind of itself a characteristic smell, as if pronouncing that it is time to make a major overhaul with a change in the entire situation.

Why blocks blocking? One of the most common reasons is the wrong angle of pipe slope. And for the normal functioning of the sewage, it is necessary that the wastewater is advanced at a certain speed. A large slope does not allow water to wash off solid waste, small also contributes to their deposition in the pipes. And, in the end, the sewage is clogged.

The main causes of blockages:

Improperly designed bias;

installation of the bends at right angles;

wear of the sewage system, in which the internal diameter of the pipes decreases;

improper operation of the sewer system.

Finding valves as a guarantee of a calm life

Sewer valve — video

Residents of the first-second floors, it happens, encounter emergency situations. But, as is usually the case, while plumbers arrive and block the water — some of the property can already be thrown away. To prevent sad consequences, the installation of a check valve on the sewer will help. This system covers the reverse flow and prevents the penetration of sewage outward.

For apartments, it is possible to install a check valve only for each device separately. But in the private sector it is easiest and most reliable to give preference to one valve, which has a large throughput.

There are two types of valves. The easiest option is a device that prevents the abode of water. The second type is a valve designed for fan pipes and toilets. The device and the principle of operation of the valve is quite simple. There is a hollow ball in the chamber, which presses on the membrane in the event of a reverse current current. In turn, the membrane closes the camera and the drains do not fall into the pipe. In addition, the valve is usually equipped with a locking valve, with which you can block the pipeline. Naturally, the system is supposed to clean from time to time. To do this, the design provides for a removable cover.

Findal valves can be made of both metal and plastic. Due to the fact that the pipeline is now made mainly from PVC, metal systems are practically not used.

Findal valve for sewage — installation instructions

A place for a check valve is a joint of two pipes. Moreover, the device can be mounted both horizontally and vertically. The best option for installing is during the assembly of a new pipeline. In all other cases, the system is built into the system. If the diameter of the pipes and the diameter of the valve does not match, you will need to purchase a special adapter. Naturally, if you are a “kettle”, even if very smart, do not do your own work. Connect professionals to the business, and then you will be spared from unpleasant consequences.

In general, you can expand your horizons with the following recommendations:

The valve must be installed strictly in the direction in which the arrow indicates (towards the collector).

Mandatory conduct a series of testing for tightness.

The noise and small vibration will talk about the violation of the tightness of the system. It will be necessary to just replace the sealing edging, or change the shutter.

Air valve for air ventilation

Air valve for sewage is a slightly different, but no less important device. With insufficient ventilation in the bathroom, an unpleasant odor may occur. We will not go into details of hydrodynamics, but simply talk about the device and principle of operation of the air valve.

The system performs the function of supply and holding air in the pipe. If the house has a fan pipe with an output to the roof, then the valve is installed indoors. A feature of the design involves placing a device in places with a constantly plus temperature. The air valve prevents the breakdown of the water plants. When a vacuum occurs, the membrane passes the air into the system. When the pressure is leveled, the membrane closes the entrance to the pipe.

Both air and check valve are very useful inventions that will help to avoid many problems with sewer.