House lining from aerated concrete — which materials to use? + video

The cladding of a house from aerated concrete is a mandatory stage of decoration, since a prolonged effect of atmospheric precipitation can add the quality of the material. That is why wall decoration is carried out using plaster, brick or hinged facade. We will talk more about them below.

Why are the wall cladding?

Video — cladding of aerated concrete brick

Today, aerated concrete is often used for the construction of residential, utility, commercial premises. It has a number of advantages and therefore has positively established itself among many people. However, at the same time, it is worth remembering that gas concrete blocks are a hydrophilic material that has a decent vapor permeability. This means that the surface absorbs water perfectly. And if it is left in this form (untied), then precipitation will lead to a freezing of the surface, heterogeneous darkening. As a result, the facade will acquire an untidy appearance.

Plus all precipitation is mainly acidic in nature and have a destructive effect on the material itself. As a result, the general thermal insulation properties are reduced. Therefore, wall decoration must be finished without fail. You can use different materials. The most popular are: brick, clinker tiles, plaster and hinged facades. With all this, external cladding should not be an obstacle to the exit of water vapor out of the rooms. That is, it is important that the walls «breathe». Therefore, it is important to choose the material competently.

Brick lining a house from aerated concrete — nuances of styling

External wall decoration of aerated concrete blocks — how not to harm the building?

Perhaps the most ancient and common way was always the decoration of brick. The finish is also popular using plaster. However, we will first talk about the first method. Create all the necessary conditions for cladding even at the stage of erecting the foundation. That is, it is important to calculate the width in such a way that aerated concrete blocks and brick are placed on it. There should not be any overhang of the material even by 3 cm. At the styling stage, an air gap is necessarily provided. It is done because the brick has a pair of vapor permeability than aerated concrete. To avoid getting wet of aerated concrete, this gap is simply necessary.

Its width is determined in accordance with the height of the room. And in order to prevent the solution from getting into the gap, a rearranged sheet made of foamed plastic does not fall into this space. It is also important in this area to provide ventilation. Therefore, in brickwork, peculiar idols are made, which, in general, should be 1% of the entire area of ​​the wall. Usually place these holes at the basement level and under the cornice (in vertical masonry seams). On this, the features of the decoration of the brick are completed. By the way, the decoration of aerated concrete walls with clinker tiles is carried out according to the same principle.

In some cases, the gap between the brick and aerated concrete is not done. However, it should be remembered that this can lead to a deterioration in the microclimate in the room, a decrease in the heat resistance of the wall. In accordance with this, heating costs increase. But if you still decide not to make a gap, then you need to make an internal wall cladding with a material that has small vapor permeability. Especially if it is a wet room. And the brick is attached to aerated concrete with long stainless and spiral nails, as well as embedded (made during the construction of an aerated concrete wall).

Facing with clinker tiles and bricks, a video with the styling of which is on our website, without a gap is permissible only for those buildings where year -round living is not supposed.

Wall decoration plaster

As already mentioned, plaster is also a popular material for decoration of aerated concrete walls. It is only important to observe one condition for these mixtures. They must be vapor permeable. It is best to use the composition on a cement-ledge binding and you can not use a cement-sand mixture. During the work, it is important to follow general recommendations (in temperature, humidity). Before direct styling, it is necessary to align the base properly and fill all the irregularities and cracks.

Then the base is wiped, and the resulting dust is eliminated with a brush. At the next stage, they begin to apply plaster with a metal one of a little terrain. It will be the lower layer. Then lay the grid and properly pressed into the plaster. Cover the surface with a second layer and give time to dry, which is determined from climatic conditions. The more dry weather, the faster the process of hardening will pass. At the last stage, they apply decorative plaster (they choose any one they like: lambs, bark beetle, etc. D.). The coating is aligned and also give it time to dry. On this, work on the cladding is completed.