Simple, but important choice.

Is it easy to choose home lighting sources? Why do not rush to make this choice? Who can help in this matter?

Always, when it is especially talking about the arrangement inside the building, that is, about how rooms, corridors, utility rooms will look like, two circumstances are most often taken into account. The first — how easy or difficult it will be to realize certain ideas for interior design, and the second — how convenient and economical the operation of the building will be in the future?

And just answering the second question, the owner of the housing faces a choice — what lighting to make? What light sources to focus on? Of course, daylight lamps are cheaper in operation, but the spectral composition of the light is slightly different, and they themselves cost more expensive. There is no unequivocal answer, because, in addition to the price, it is also worth considering the features of the project of the house, what kind of wiring is there and even, what height of the ceilings. After all, lighting is necessary so that in your house you can at least calmly move, without fear that you can stumble from a lack of light, or even fall! Therefore, choosing between the two options, do not rush or rely on «Avos». It makes sense to consult with those people who have experience in this matter, and perhaps already made a similar choice.