Unusual chandeliers and lamps

Hendmade in our time is very popular. Any things made by yourself are considered fashionable. Therefore, the needlewomen create intricate woolen shawls, lace shawls and tablecloths, embroider blouses and skirts. But handmade is not only a product of threads or fabric. With your own hands, you can make any items for the interior, furniture. They look very original!

You can start, for example, from the manufacture of chandeliers and ceiling. For work, people’s craftsmen use both natural materials and secondary ones, that is, what failed and was intended for a landfill. For example, a very stylish lamp can be made of transparent glass mugs with broken handles. Also, for work, you can use old plastic bottles that have served their eyelids used packages. Kitchen graters and broken globe are also excellent material. Which in the hands of a skilled master can turn into a large ceiling for a study.

But you can not do unusual lamps, but sculpt. Only not from plasticine, which quickly melts under the influence of temperature, but from salt dough. Then your work will need to be dried, painted — and the unusual decoration of the interior is ready. You can find out in detail about this in an interesting story that is posted on the site.

Another popular way to create lamps is so simple that even children will cope with it. You need to take a regular balloon and inflate it. We wrap the rope, dense twine or any thick threads on top of the ball. When the whole ball is neatly wrapped, it will be necessary to lubricate it with glue. Now it just remains to wait for the glue to dry and pierce the ball. The ball will burst, and the threads with glue will keep shape. Now you just need to make a hole for the cord and light bulb — and the original lampshade for the hallway or kitchen is ready.

Such creative chandeliers of the ceiling can be done for your home, or you can make them as gifts for friends. Your skill can turn from a hobby into a way of earning. Things created in a single copy are always in demand. You can try to sell your creations through friends or make your online store. A page on a social network can also become a virtual showcase on which your work is exhibited. Feel free to advertise yourself — soon you will probably have orders and regular customers.