Faulty operation of the ventilation system

If a person lives in an old high -rise building, then sooner or later there may be a need to clean ventilation. Due to the filling of ventilation shafts with garbage, air humidity increases in the apartment, smells in the bathroom are delayed and spread throughout the house.

Thus, if you notice that the microclimate suddenly changed in the apartment, the walls began to dine, perhaps the ventilation system that requires cleaning or repair is felt. First you can independently check its correct work. On the Internet, many ignorant users advise using a candle or lighter, bringing them to the opening of the mine. If at the same time the flame deviates towards the grate, the ventilation works properly, and the problem must be sought in another place. However, experts do not recommend using this method, since a possible gas leak is fraught with explosion. The following verification method is much safer: open a window and bring thin paper to the grille. If it is not attracted to it, then ventilation functions poorly.

Note that tenants of high -rise buildings cannot carry out the repair of ventilation on their own. Deviling ventilation and repair is carried out only by utilities and specialists with an appropriate license. Thus, to clean the ventilation riser will have to contact the company serving your house, and do not grab the tools.

Safety standards allow residents to eliminate clogs in the mine on their own using soft detergents. It is advisable to clean the available sections of the mine (walls) with a scraper and processed with a vacuum cleaner. In no case can there be ruffles, solvents, acids, aggressive detergents.

The ventilation system often fails due to the intervention of neighbors. They can block the mine during the repair work or install a powerful hood. When the victims are addressed to the relevant services, thereby will have to restore the system at your own expense.

Repair of the ventilation system may also be needed due to the installation of plastic windows by residents. In old houses, everything was designed for natural circulation — an air flow from the street was necessarily present with the wooden frames. Plastic windows do not provide such a stream, so the ventilation operation is disturbed.

The solution of all the problems can be the installation of local ventilation, when instead of the grille into the hole of the mine, a device is inserted like a fan. This device can be easily connected to any lighting system by clicking on the switch.