Features of vinyl siding — how to choose panels?

Vinyl siding is a modern and practical material for building buildings. If you plan to build, for example, a suburban cottage, then find out the features of the choice of this “protective carapace” for the house you should certainly be worth.

And the first thing to pay attention to is the uniformity of staining the panels. High -quality material both outside and inside is evenly painted in one color. In the case of budget options, the presence of a lighter inner side of the panels is considered a normal indicator. In fact, this suggests that the manufacturer has added less dye. At the same time, keep in mind that when reducing its own costs for the manufacture of vinyl siding, which produces the company, as a rule, reduces its cost. For you, the main thing is that the front side of the material looks impeccable.

The next important point is the thickness of the siding. In order to recognize her, you just need to look at the side cut of the panels. From the castle and to the nail part, the material should be the same thickness. This affects the resistance to deformation and power loads that can withstand the panel. If the vinyl siding tuning is the same thickness, then in the future no forensic construction expertise will be able to find shortcomings in the cladding of your cottage.

No less important are the holes that serve to attach self -tapping screws and nails. The same shape and dimensions, location on one line, the presence of smooth edges — all these are mandatory characteristics for nail openings.

Vinyl siding should have a matte surface. Remember that glossy surfaces under the sun’s rays are heated stronger, they absorb more heat, which is dangerous and a higher risk of deformation. In addition, glossy material fades faster.

The manufacturer packs good building material in hard boxes of cardboard, which are able to protect the «deformation and chips during delivery during delivery to the store and to the buyer.

If you have already decided to buy vinyl panels for facing your home, then you should recommend the acquisition of both them and the components for them from one manufacturer. If you try to purchase cheap platbands, corners and castings, then lose the production guarantee of the manufacturing company. Pay attention to the fact that some sellers are trying to «slip» details from other manufacturers to customers.