Walking work when repairing an apartment

Having started repairs in your apartment, you will definitely have to start gluing new wallpapers. Wallpaper has long been considered an integral element of the decor of any apartment. The advantages of wallpaper work can be considered both less labor costs than painting walls and an aesthetic and beautiful view compared to paint at the end of the work you will get more.

As a rule, the wallpaper is selected once and for a long period. Therefore, they must be chosen in such a way that in a year they, as when gluing, will delight you, cheer up every day. That is why this choice is very serious and responsible. Wallpaper can be used for gluing both concrete and plastered, and even wooden walls. Instead of wallpaper, the so -called film materials are very often used, produced in a wide range of foreign and domestic manufacturers.

At the present time, wallpapers of all kinds of type, quality, texture and drawing are produced. However, the most widespread by our hearts of paper wallpaper. In addition to paper wallpaper, there are also structural and vinyl, murals and glass wallpaper.

Without starting to glue the wallpaper, take a note: the temperature in the room where the gluing will be carried out should be at least 20 ° C, and all windows should be closed. Otherwise, because of the slightest draft, entire stripes will easily fall off, and your whole work will go, as they say, “cat under the tail”.

Before starting wallpaper gluing, it is necessary to carefully prepare the glued surface. But there are wallpaper (embossed, for example) that will help you hide small bumps and small walls of the walls. Having prepared the surface, glue should be applied to the wall with an even uniform layer to improve sticking. Particular attention is paid to the corners, the location of the skirting boards and the lanes under the cornice, which are treated with an additional portion of glue.

We start gluing the wallpaper by cutting the wallpaper into separate pieces of the required length, paying attention to the wallpaper with a pattern, which in which walls are overlapped, this drawing should converge with that on the neighboring stripes. Having finished the cut, carefully, but carefully (without subclans, glue clots), we coat the wallpaper strip and begin to wrap the wallpaper with wallpaper.

The most important thing is the first strip of glued wallpaper! The rest of the stripes will depend on this strip how exactly the rest of. To avoid an unpleasant feeling in the soul due to the «lying» strips of wallpaper, use a special plumb line that will help you withstand strict vertical of the strips. When gluing wallpaper, the slogan «alone in the field is not a warrior» is applicable. Help in gluing will come in handy (and there is anyone to talk with). To begin with, both look at the wall and pretend how to place the strip, putting it on the wall. After that, one, along a pre -prepared staircase, rises with the upper edge of the strip to the desired height, and the second at this time supports the lower edge of the strip.

Striped stripes — defeat them with a special roller (you can with a simple rag). Remember! It is necessary to smooth from the center of the strip, slowly moving to the edges, pressing them. This must be done, otherwise you will get a lot of bubbles and poorly glued places. If somewhere the wallpaper is behind, then smear these places again with glue. It should be noted that thin wallpaper is overlapped, thick, relief — impended, leaving no gaps. The most difficult thing in gluing wallpaper is the corners. If you run a whole strip on the angle, since the wallpaper adjacent with reluctance, they frown, it is difficult to smoot it, and they may simply swell. As a result — in the near future a new repair.

Having finished glue whole stripes, do not forget about the places under the windows, above the doors where you can use the remains of the wallpaper resulting in opening. In this case, you can not join the drawing, because these places are inconspicuous. But behind the batteries it is better not to glue the wallpaper at all, because there are temperature differences, because of which the wallpaper will still lag behind and will collapse.