Do not score, but screw!

What to serve as an incentive for the development of technology and technology? How can you strengthen modern dwelling? Which foundation will be stronger?

It is difficult to even imagine how many inventions appeared due to the fact that a person wherever he found himself, he began to build his own housing! Where it was cold — heating appeared, where it was hot — they came up with air conditioning … where there was not a lot of space — multi -story houses appeared, and where there was not very strong soil — they thought of driving piles under the foundation.

But if someone thinks that in recent decades there has been nothing new and interesting, then he is mistaken. For those who want to build small buildings on not very reliable lands, a miracle like screw piles appeared. Yes, imagine! Ordinary piles are clogged into the ground, and these are screwed! It turns out much less noise, and the effect is the same. The fact that the thing is good is the fact that the sale of screw piles is very, very successful! They are bought by individuals and entire organizations.

A distinctive feature of this invention is universality. They are suitable for both a frame house and for a wooden and even for a block house! The design, if considered simplified, the next is a long pipe, at the end of which is a screw, thanks to which pile and screws into the ground. And then concrete is filled into the pipe. The design is very strong and effective.