Nothing is impossible

Due to the fact that science does not stand still, breeders offer a wide range of plants, which were considered forest or garden a few years ago. Now, many of them can be bred at home, although here you have to deal with difficulties due to conditions.

In our view, spruce is a fluffy plant with prickly needles, which is dressed up with glass toys and tinsel for the New Year. Alternative replacement for this plant was Canadian Konika, a dwarf tree, no more than 80 cm high. At home, this tree grows poorly, requires large psychological costs from those who are engaged in it. This is due to the fact that the temperature in the room with spruce should not be higher than +16 degrees, the pot with the plant is kept far from the batteries, since it does not like dry air, reacts well to spraying. Therefore, a balcony washes a favorable place for its breeding, and then only to the cold, and then it needs to be wrapped.

Kalanchoe does not differ in moodiness, so it does not require special conditions for the content. But this does not mean at all that you must bring and put a pot with a flower on the window and calm down. The plant needs light, and the longer it will be in the shade, the faster it will die.

In winter, Kalanchoe is not watered, this is its usual condition, but since spring and especially in the summer heat he just needs water. If you do not form a flower, do not cut, then it is not sacred that you ask yourself, the question is why Kalanchoe does not bloom. The shoots on which the flowers were taken should be cut off immediately so that the plant can recover and gain strength. Old branches and leaves are usually removed in early March. A sick plant will very painfully react to damage by pests, but the healthy one can easily cope with them, but it is better not to bring the plants to this.

Good lighting is one of the main conditions for the content of Pahira. But under the influence of direct sunlight, she can get a burn or even die. Water the plant, pouring warm and soft water into the pallet. From the beginning of October to the end of February, watering is reduced to a minimum so that it does not lose its entire elegant shape and does not stretch. In the summer, take care of your favorite from drafts and rain in the form of rain.

The Pahira flower and care at home include top dressing with mineral fertilizers that stimulate its growth and development. If the plant has grown a lot, then in the spring it needs to be cut. Falling leaves is a sign that Pahira fell under a draft or a strong gust of wind.

Drafts and bright sunlight are the main harmful factors that negatively affect the growth and development of plants.