A little about the foundation

The word «fundamental» in modern everyday life is rarely used in connection with the very foundation of the house — the foundation. And it is considered rather a synonym for the words “solid”, “reliable”, “durable”. Because the beginning of each structure is the foundation. How to lay the foundation of the foundations of any building is a high -quality foundation? We will talk about this.

In order for the house to stand for many years without distortions, flooding, drawdowns and other troubles, the foundation must have the following characteristics: to be strong, resistant to negative temperatures and groundwater, and correspond to the type of soil in its design. For not every foundation can be operated for a particular type of soil. The most successful way to lay the foundation, and specifically — the depth of its occurrence and the profile of the trenches — will make it possible to determine the correctly made geological and topographic examinations of the site, during which the type of soil, the level of groundwater, the depth of freezing in the winter, height, the difference in heights, etc. D.

If necessary, drainage measures are performed before laying the foundation, soil compacts. Then the marking of the created foundation is performed, denoting its axes using stretched twine. And only then you can start earthwork.

An important point — when installing communications through the foundation, there is always a small gap around pipes. The gaps are usually embedded in the fact that it is at the disposal — cement, concrete, etc. D. It is preferable to cover these holes with pacle and coat with clay mixed with broken glass (from rodents, which, surprisingly, are also very fond of clay).

For buildings with brick walls, finishing of stone or other piece materials, a bottle foundation is best suited, because these walls need support over their entire length underground. When laying such a foundation is deeper than 70 cm, you should make a pillow of sand or crushed stone below. Or instead apply finely chopped brick.

And do not forget that you can not build the foundations on loams, suspenders and peat, without risking then to acquire a large number of problems! Such soils are quite porous and have a slightly expressed bearing capacity. If you lay the foundation in dry weather (in this case, the soil behaves well enough), and wait for the first serious precipitation — the soil will get wet, the structural connections of the soil will break up, and everything will go through. So, when arranging the foundation, there are no important or secondary points — everything is important from the attachment of the house in the site to the selection of reinforcement sizes. Correcting the shortcomings allowed when arranging the foundation is much more difficult than building again — verified.