Inexpensive welded gratings

Increasingly, choosing and installing welded gratings on the windows, buyers pay attention to no one to its protective functions, how much on external attractiveness. Yes, of course, it is very important that the lattices look attractive and cause only pleasant feelings, but still their main function is to protect the room from attackers. First of all, the design is designed to prevent the criminal from getting into the room, which is why attention should be paid to the degree of its strength and reliability. If you do not pay enough attention to this and purchase any grate you like, there is a high probability of acquiring a low -quality product that can be easily cut or pulled out of the opening.

If you contact a trusted manufacturer, you can purchase a quality product at a low price that can protect you and will look good on the window. To choose good window grilles, pay attention to the following characteristics to which they must correspond to:

— The thickness of the reinforcement, which is used, should not be lower than 1.4 cm;

— welding should be used in all places of intersection of metal rods, and not just at nodal points;

— Qualitatively installed gratings are the key to their long service.

Please note that the technical characteristics of the gratings are not the key to reliable protection. They should be well mounted and qualitatively attached to the window opening. If this condition is not fulfilled, then the design can be easily pulled out with a conventional cable and a car. At night, in this way, you can quickly penetrate through the window. In order to prevent attackers to penetrate the possibility of attackers, fasteners should penetrate deep into the wall at least 8 cm, and then strengthened by a solution of cement. In addition, you can additionally weld the lattices to the metal structure. Then we can say with confidence that your home from the windows does not threaten hacking.

There are such types of welded window sieves:

— stationary or deaf (they cannot be removed or open without violation of the integrity of the structure);

— swing -shaped (have an opening sash);

— sliding (are considered the most unsafe and set more for decorative purposes;)

— removable (they are attached to the opening between the windows on the bolts).